WIN Learning White Papers
Explore our white papers to learn more about the research underlying WIN's courseware and assessment solutions.
WIN Learning: Leveraging O*NET to Bridge the Skills Gap
Download this white paper to learn how WIN's award winning courseware and assessment solutions align to the U.S. Department of Labor's O*NET Content Model Framework and how this connection empowers learners and provides employers with workplace-ready job candidates.
Soft Skills: The Secret Sauce for Modern Workplace Success
Employers are prioritizing soft skills over technical skills in their employees and job candidates more than ever. This white paper explores those sought-after skills and how WIN's Soft Skills solutions equip learners with the essential soft skills that are most valued in the workplace.
Career Readiness for All – A Priority for American Education
Providing all learners with high-quality career development services and technology will help ensure that they secure productive employment in their chosen career. Download the white paper to preview the proposed solutions framework and a starting point for building a national consensus behind the achievement of that goal and vision.
Readiness Redefined: Foundational Skills for the Digital Workplace
Did you know that 30% of U.S. workers lack the basic digital skills for entry level jobs? Download this white paper for an in-depth look at the digital skills divide and find out how WIN Learning's Digital Skills Courseware and Assessment prepare job seekers to confidently use technology in the workplace.
Six Essential Strategies for Creating Effective State Career Pathway Systems
Download this white paper to learn about current challenges in career development programs and what states can do to enhance statewide career readiness systems.