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State Partnerships

WIN Learning offers e-learning solutions including career readiness courseware, assessments, and credentials as an important foundation for creating a more effective and efficient system to prepare young adults for career success. As states look to prepare learners for career and college readiness, providing all youth with multiple pathways to success; engaging employers in these pathways systems; and developing a “career readiness credential" with young people, WIN Learning equips them with the academic and essential soft skills credentials to prepare learners for postsecondary and beyond.    

WIN Learning is a leading the path in supporting statewide career readiness initiatives through its Career Readiness System and services to promote a unique and customized solution for each state. 

South Carolina Career Readiness Assessments

In December 2017, an expert panel, consisting of South Carolina employers along with educators and workforce and economic development professionals, selected WIN Learning as the state’s new career readiness assessment provider. In April 2018, just four months following contract award, WIN Learning successfully facilitated the first statewide administration of 208,000 paper-based and online assessments, spanning more than 80 school districts and 250 high schools statewide. South Carolina used the WIN career readiness assessments to measure mastery of foundational  workforce academic and soft skills. The assessments were administered each spring to approximately 52,000 students in their third year of high school. 

The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce collaborated with WIN Learning to introduce the forward-thinking career readiness curriculum, assessment, and credentialing solution for the state workforce system and its partners including the Technical College System, Department of Adult Education, Department of Corrections, Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, community-based organizations, and employers. Successful completion of the assessments resulted in the South Carolina Work Ready Credential and/or the South Carolina Soft Skills Credential. Both credentials were state-sponsored and recognized by employers statewide. WIN Learning also offered WIN Job Analysis services, linking the assessment standards and resulting credentials to support employer hiring and training requirements. 

Kentucky Essential Skills

Kentucky’s workforce, adult education, and community college system came together to bring a common language and common measure to the state using WIN Learning’s Soft Skills Courseware and Soft Skills Credential that KY has branded Kentucky Essential Skills Credential. The Governor at the start of the partnership, Matt Bevin, signed the credential so businesses in KY can quickly recognize the valid and reliable credential, and now it is signed by the Lieutenant Governor and Kentucky Chamber of Commerce President.

As reported in the Kentucky’s Chamber of Commerce publication, Kentucky’s Workforce Challenges: The Employer’s Perspective, one of the greatest challenges facing employers is “the need for improved employability skills, or soft skills, such as attendance, communication and teamwork, among job seekers.” The Kentucky Essential Skills Certificate (KESC) targets this challenge and seeks to further empower job seekers across the state. Kentucky statewide access to the customized Soft Skills Courseware, assessment, and credential is available to the 24,000 students enrolled in the Kentucky Adult Education program and more than 125,000 students and job seekers are served annually by the Kentucky Career Centers. Learn how Kentucky systems are creating a career ready community. Read More.

Six Essential Strategies for Creating Effective State Career Pathway Systems

Download the white paper to learn about the current challenges and what states can do to enhance statewide career readiness systems. Download White Paper.

WIN Career Readiness System

WIN Learning's Career Readiness System is a digital teaching and learning solution designed to prepare learners for career and college success. The system consists of career readiness courseware and assessment components that yield a nationally-recognized credentials in Academic Skills, Soft Skills, and Digital Skills, all of which are accessible through a single sign-on portal. Request a Demo.

Get Started Today! 

If you are interested in implementing WIN Learning as a component to your career-ready community, visit our solutions tab or contact us for a demonstration or more information.