WIN Learning Career Readiness System Release Updates: February 2021

Version 3.5.0      Released 02/11/2021


Version 3.5.0 of WIN Career Readiness System code was released to production on February 11, 2021. Highlights of the release include:

  • Enrollment Report

  • Miscellaneous enhancements and bug fixes

Enrollment Report

The Enrollment report offers several views into the enrollment data for learners. Teachers and administrators can run the report based on initial creation date within one or more organizations or current enrollment within one or more organizations.

  • Initial creation displays learners who were initially created in the selected organization(s) during the date range selected.
  • Current enrollment displays learners who are currently enrolled in the selected organization(s) during the date range selected, regardless of where they were initially created.
  1. Select the organization(s) for which you want to see the data.
  2. Then select either the Initial Creation Date or Current Enrollment Date filter.
  3. Then select the date range for which you want to see the data. (Optional)
  4. Then select Run Report.

    Initial Creation Date

    The above snapshot shows the learners who were initially created in A Webinar School between 6/30/2020 and 2/3/2021. At the bottom of the page is a total number of students and pagination controls (if results span pages). This view can be used by an administrator or facilitator to see how many new students were created in a specific organization, during a specific time period.

    Use the column filters if desired to filter by Organization, Enrollment Start Date, or Enrollment End Date. Use the Name filter to filter by selected learners. Click on the learner’s name to go directly to their Individual Report.

    To see the learners’ enrollment activity, toggle Show Enrollment Activity to on and click Run Report. This will show the learners’ initial enrollment and any subsequent enrollment activity (transfers). The date range only binds the initial creation date in this case, so subsequent enrollments outside of the date range selected could be displayed.

    Current Enrollment Date

    The above snapshot displays two learners whose current enrollment is in the selected organization(s) and falls within the selected date range. These learners might have been created somewhere else at a previous time, but they are currently enrolled in Quality Assurance Academy.

    • Ability to batch print Individual Score Reports from the Credential Summary Report
    • Fix for: List and Edit User export function is causing severe performance problems for large exports (multiple large organizations). We have implemented a temporary solution and will continue to work on a long term fix.

    • Fix for: Updating the portal client expiration date does not update the root org expiration date, locking users out.

    • Fix for: In ESSC, passing the highest level lesson out of order causes the learner dashboard to have a status of Posttest instead of Course.

    • Fix for: When editing a username to one that already exists in the system, clarify the error message so that it is clear what needs to be corrected.

    • Disabled flash-based Supplemental Skills. 

    • Removed Reports 1.0 completely and removed Reports 2.0 sub-menu so now the only category is Reports.

    • Removed Quick Reference Links on offline Essential Soft Skills Courseware page. They can now be found in the Resource Center.

    For more information or support, contact Support at WIN Learning

    To report issues or ask questions about this release, please contact the WIN Learning Help Desk:


    Phone:  888-717-9461 Option 3

    All internal and external support requests are logged and tracked and get routed to the appropriate parties.

    Please remember to include a detailed description of the issue, who it impacts, system/environment info, and reproduction steps and an actual due date. If helpful, please include a screenshot.