WIN Learning Career Readiness System Release Updates: October 2021

Version 4.2.0      Released 10/21/2021


Version 4.2.0 of WIN Career Readiness System code was released to production on Thursday, October 21, 2021. Highlights of the release include:

  • WIN Career Readiness System Reports updates
  • Miscellaneous enhancements and bug fixes

WIN Career Readiness System Reports

Scrolling instead of pagination

  • All reports now have infinite scroll instead of pagination to make it easier to scroll through and find the data you’re looking for.

Custom fields

  • The Learner Listing, Class, Individual, and Learner Credential Summary  reports now have the column chooser so you can pick and choose the fields  you want included in the results grid. It includes the custom fields available to the portal client. The custom fields are sortable and filterable within the grid.

Exportable Version

  • The Learner Listing report now has an “Exportable Version” toggle that allows you to flatten the grouped data so each field has its own column rather than being nested. Selecting “On” will flatten the report view in the application and allow you to export the flattened report for easier filtering/sorting. In addition, email has been added as its own column to the Exportable Version.


Assignment Manager –

Added Organization to Learner grid so that Admins can sort / filter to build rosters more easily 

Bugs Fixed – 

  • Proctors with enhanced permissions to enroll and proctor outside of their organizations could not download/print certificates.

  • In batch enroll, users should be prevented from uploading an unsupported file type.

  • When a proctor selected “Discard and Exit” on a learner’s active assessment session, the session did not become deactivated and unavailable as it should.

  • On the Learner Dashboard, when the first option under “Show/Hide Offerings” dropdown was unchecked, the next selected offering showed twice on the dashboard printout.

  • Teachers were unable to expand data in the General Summary report.

For more information or support, contact Support at WIN Learning

To report issues or ask questions about this release, please contact the WIN Learning Help Desk:


Phone: 888-717-9461 Option 3

All internal and external support requests are logged and tracked and get routed to the appropriate parties.

Please remember to include a detailed description of the issue, who it impacts, system/environment info, and reproduction steps and an actual due date. If helpful, please include a screenshot.